Guys Who Kneel To Propose To Ladies Are Stupid

My lecturer stirred trouble in class yesterday evening.

It was slowly becoming a boring lecture.

2hours of listening to academic talk is hell for some of us.


"As a young lecturer my salary was suddenly increased from #3000 to #11000 and then to #40,000."

This was in the 1900's and my bachelor of a lecturer was even paid some arrears that made the money accumulate to about #200,000.

He had never seen that much money before.

Armed with the boldness that comes from a fat bank account, he approached the lady he was interested in.

They already had a fling going on so he just had to be clear on his intentions for her.

The pitch was simple;

"This is money. Are you interested?"

Years after and they are still married.

Now, before you come up with toxic reactions.

Note that this is not my story and you will be wiser if you choose to see the lessons that relates to your business therein instead

There are tons of them but let's do with;

✓ A good offer can be the difference between 2 or 10 sales a day.

✓ Having proof to back your claims is as important as making the claims.

✓ Sometimes, you just have to cut straight to the chase and make your intentions known.

What other lessons are there? Let me know in the comments...


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