The Dos and Don'ts of Storytelling
It’s a lovely Friday again! A day to take stock of the week and to start preparation for the next. I am grateful for you, what are you thankful for? In my last post, we talked about using stories to sell out. As you know already, we are learning together, so tell me, I would love to know how much my blog post helped you. For me, I got two new clients, isn’t that awesome? Do you know that storytelling is like your cloth? Each style, each colour, each combination is for different occasions. Just as the black colour is used to mourn in Africa, the white colour is used in eastern Asia. You wouldn’t wear a flowing dress to do farm or factory work, neither will you wear a wedding dress if you are not the bride. Each cloth has its own relevance. And you have to follow the silent rules guiding the use of each. Likewise, your story, you have to follow its guiding rules. So, let’s jump right into it. The first do is that your story have got to matter. It shouldn’t happen that after your au...